Start Using Twitter Chat in Your Content Plan

Using Twitter Chat in Your Content Plan

Twitter is an excellent platform to build an online community. It also helps to garner supporters for your products and services. Having Twitter chat helps you learn a lot of new things and I have learnt mine. If you want to run Twitter chat you can benefit from my learning as to how to develop a Twitter chat program which forms an integral part of your overall content marketing plan.

Here, we are not going to use any chat widget like we use messenger, we are going to ask users to tweet us using a particular hashtag.

Did you know?

You can reach out to me anytime using hashtag #DMIAshish

How to Plan A Twitter Chat?

The Significance of Choosing Interesting Topics

Decide on the topics that you will Twitter chat by brainstorming and prepare a schedule well in advance. Having a plan well ahead of time is important. Create a list of topics based on your business. You should know what your target audience would wish to chat about and discuss.

Offer Your Guests a Topics of Discussion List and Details

Get ready the list of topics that you intend to send to your week’s guest before a week. If you do not have a guest appearing in your webinar or when you are the only one to conduct the chat, these topics will help you to curate your session appropriately. In short, prepare in advance about what you are going to discuss in your session.

Share the Topic of Discussion Among Your Community

Once the topics are ready, you should share them among your Twitter community-before a week. Topics should be published on your LinkedIn, Facebook groups as well. These will help prospective participants to decide if your Twitter chat fits their information requirements. Knowing the topic of discussion well in advance helps the participants to actively engage in the discussion and enhances their involvement. Posting in LinkedIn, Facebook gets new participants for your Twitter chat.

Why Tracking the Hashtag Is Necessary?

You can maintain your Twitter chat record using Hashtracking. This way you can track the transcripts of all the tweets happened through the hour. It also provides minute details like what are the most retweeted tweets and who were the major contributors. This helps you pinpoint potential topics for your blog posts.

Such an Hashtracking report can be shared with your special guests which helps them understand the response that you get from your chat. This way the guests know about the questions in which the participants are interested. As Twitter chats work quick, the guests may miss out some points. In such cases, the Hashtracking report allows the guests to look back the entire discussion which they can use it for blog writing. In addition, the guests get an instant community for their blogs and content plan.

The Process of Execution of Chats

Planned Twitter chats need to be executed successfully for which a path exists. It is simple and not so difficult. You can pre-schedule your tweets by using TweetDeck. The questions can be pre-scheduled also which helps the chats to stay on track. Keeping the audience engaged and you actively participating assists assist successful chat execution.

Apart from TweetDeck, and HootSuite can be used for the actual chat.

Repurpose the Chat Content

The Chat Transcript

Once the chat is complete, you can hire a virtual assistant to transcribe the tweets present in Hashtracking report. Such transcripts can be posted on your blog and the Twitter chat page.

Prepare SlideShare Once a Week

SlideShare is an effective channel that can be used to repurpose the tweet content for your audience. A typical SlideShare would have the questions and some interesting tweets which highlight the speaker and the guest also. It increases audience interest and presents a list of new email subscribers.

Take Key Content for Blogs

Twitter chats serve as a resource of editorial ideas which can be converted into a useful blog post. For example, if someone expressed interest in content creation over chat, the same can be used to write a blog post. This makes the audience view you as a thought leader and a reliable source of authentic content.

Review Analytics

Google Analytics can be used to measure your Twitter referral traffic. This helps to gauge the success of your Twitter chats. Weekly trends can be checked. Tracking the conversations is also necessary to see where the participants are responding and initiate action.

Running Twitter chats is simple and receive a huge audience. You can use it to your advantage and the ideas in this article help you to achieve it.

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